Take a few minutes to debrief this week’s sermon. What stood out to you? What questions did you have? Were there any takeaways you had?
Read Matthew 6:14-15. What is Jesus teaching in these two verses? How are these verses related to the Lord’s Prayer (see Matthew 6:9-13)? Does this mean that our salvation depends on whether or not we forgive others?
Read Matthew 18:21-22. Why does Jesus tell Peter to forgive seventy-seven times? How does this teaching help us understand Matthew 6:14-15?
Read Psalm 103:12. What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? How can you know whether or not you’ve forgiven someone when reconciliation hasn’t happened yet?
Think about a specific individual you are needing to forgive. What are the obstacles to forgiveness for you? How does the cross break down those obstacles?
Take a look at the practical helps below that Cron Gibson gave in the sermon. Which of these is the next step for you to practice this week?
Confess your honest resistance to forgiving the other.
Give thanks for the offender.
Each time the offense comes to mind ask God to bless the offender.
Each time the desire for justice comes upon you thank God for his mercy to you and ask God to enable you to show mercy rather than demand justice.
Remember to join us tomorrow night for our 2nd Hopewell Session. Register here.