In the early 1950’s, the pastors of Tabernacle Church of Norfolk had a vision to plant non-denominational, missions-minded Bible churches in every city in Hampton Roads.
Virginia Beach Community Chapel, VBCC, was the first church plant born from that vision. It began as a small group meeting in the Newcastle Hotel at the beach, led by pastors from Tabernacle Church. In 1954 the church officially began, and the land at 1261 Laskin Rd was purchased (See the building above). Dick Woodward was installed as the senior pastor in 1957. Dick would turn out to have an enormous teaching ministry, including regular television and radio programs. He authored the Mini Bible College, which continues to have impact as it is translated and distributed in over 60 countries and 26 languages worldwide.
In the years after VBCC was planted, the vision of Tabernacle Church flourished. Today VBCC is part of a rich network of churches and para-church organizations, all born out of a desire to serve the Hampton Roads area in Jesus’ name. Some of those organizations include:
The Consortium of Churches in Hampton Roads:
— Tabernacle Church of Norfolk
— Centerpoint Community Church
— James River Community Church
— Peninsula Community Chapel
— Williamsburg Community Chapel
— Eastside Church
Norfolk Christian Schools
Global Friendship Ventures & the Global Friendship House
Urban Discovery Ministries
Triple R Ranch
National Institute for the Learning Disabled
Our Core Values
Our Mission
“Virginia Beach Community Chapel is a nondenominational church holding to the core doctrines of the historic Christian faith. We are committed to seeing the gospel move in our own hearts, in our communities, and throughout the world!”