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Genesis 12 - Blessing, Promise, Command

  1. Name someone in your life who has set a godly example of faith and obedience. What have you witnessed in their life that you would like to emulate in your own? What do you see as the outcome or fruit of their faith?

  2. Read Genesis 12:1-7. In the sermon, Robb identified 3 ‘key ingredients’ in the passage, listed below. Locate each ingredient in the text, and explain how it relates to Abram’s faith and the work of God in Abram’s life.

    1. God’s heart of blessing.

    2. God’s promise of provision.

    3. God’s command to go.

  3. Read Genesis 11:27-30. In light of the theme of Blessing, why is it significant that Sarai is barren (v30)? What does her barrenness tell us about God’s heart of blessing?

  4. God’s command to go (v1) includes both going FROM and going TO. Why are both of these necessary in the life of faith? From where and to where has God called you to go? What is the connection between God’s command and God’s promise?

  5. Which of the three ingredients is most challenging to your own faith? Why? How can you pray for one another in the week ahead?

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