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Psalm 41 - A song of blessing

  1. What does it mean to bless or be blessed? Share from your experience: when have you personally been blessed?

  2. Read Psalm 41:1-3. What blessings are promised to ‘the one who considers the poor’ according to these verses?

  3. Read verses 4-10. These verses are a recapitulation of the drama that unfolds in Psalms 34-40 (especially Psalms 38 & 39). How do these verses correlate to the blessings of vv1-3? More broadly, how are we to understand God’s blessing in light of our suffering (or understand our suffering in light of God’s blessing)?

  4. Read John 13:18. Why is it significant that Jesus quotes this verse from Psalm 41:9, and other verses from the psalms?

  5. Read Psalm 41:11-13. How does Jesus’ presence with God the Father today secure our place with God? (See also Ephesians 2:6-7)