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Genesis 23 - Death of the Ordinary

  1. Have you ever attached special significance to something that may otherwise seem ordinary? What is it, and how did it gain significance in your life?

  2. If you have time, take a quick review of Abraham’s life before going further. Give a summary title to each group of verses below (you may want to split up to make this part go faster). What are the most notable characteristics he displayed during his life?

    1. 12:4; 22:9-10

    2. 12:10-13; 20:1-2,11-13

    3. 15:6; 22:8

    4. 15:2,8

    5. 16:3-4

    6. 17:17-18

    7. 17:23; 21:14; 22:3

    8. 18:1-8

    9. 18:23-33

  3. Read Genesis 23:1-9. In these verses, an ordinary field carries extraordinary meaning for Abraham. Why?

  4. Read Genesis 25:7-10. In Abraham’s culture, people thought it important to be buried with their ancestors. Yet Abraham wanted to have Sarah and himself buried in Canaan rather than back in Mesopotamia. What conviction did Abraham’s choice of a burial site reflect? (See Hebrews 11:15 for help)

  5. As you reflect on the life of Abraham and his journey of faith, what stands out to you as having the most resonance with your journey right now? What did it look like for Abraham to have faith in that season of his life? What does it look like for you to have faith now?

  • Some questions adapted from Genesis (LifeChange Book 16) by The Navigators.