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The Songs of Sons of Korah

This exhibit highlights some of the Psalms selected for our summer pulpit topic series. Korah was a rebel, (cf. Numbers 16), and he was punished immediately and severely for taking part in a group that opposed Moses’s authority.

That said, the descendants of Korah became singers in the courts of the Jewish temple and were known as those who used their worship artistry to bring glory to God.

This show hopes to bring emphasis to some of the themes in the songs of these godly sons of Korah. Their ancestral background was flawed but their contribution was great to the canon of Scriptural worship songs we enjoy and learn from today.

Pastor Robb expanded this thought in his first sermon on Psalm 44. He shared that the Bible is not a story about great men [though there are heroes of the faith] but about the great God of those men. Korah and his descendants certainly remind us of this timeless truth.  Hope you enjoy the exhibit.

The Ladder and the Cross

By: Dennis J. Borgerding

I climbed that first rung of the ladder today 

I worked hard to achieve this rung

You should be proud of yourself that all say

But all I can see is that next rung

I climbed the second rung of the ladder of success today 

The fight was so tough for this rung

From my new office window I could see the bay

But all I really see is that next rung 

The third rung was much more difficult 

So many others to climb over for this rung 

Their falling behind is not my fault 

But now I am looking towards that next rung 

Up and up I climbed 

More and more left behind 

To the top I climbed 

Not bothering with those behind 

I have climbed to the top of the ladder of success 

The corner office with a view of all below 

But the office, the view does not satisfy my desire for success 

Then I viewed a simple cross below 

I cannot bridge the gap between the ladder and the cross

That lowly cross propped up on a small steeple 

Why am I so fixated on that lowly cross 

As I stand on the pinnacle of the success steeple 

Down the ladder I go and out the door 

Across the gap to that little church 

There before the cross I knelt on the floor 

There I found what I desired as I sat on a little perch

I climbed the ladder of success 

I knelt low below a rugged cross 

One gave me no satisfaction 

The other brought me life.