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Romans 4 - Faith

  1. Faith, like love, can be difficult to define. When did you first awaken to matters of faith? How did you understand the concept of faith early in your journey? How has your understanding changed over time?

  2. Read Romans 4:1-3. What in these verses points to the unique nature of God’s relationship with Abraham? What is the difference between being justified by works (v2)and believing God for righteousness (v3)?

  3. Read Romans 4:18-22. Based on Abraham’s example in these verses, how would you define ‘biblical faith’ in your own words?

  4. Read Romans 4:23-25. Compare and contrast the faith of Abraham with the faith of New Testament Christians like the apostle Paul. How are the two similar? How are they different?

  5. How does the gospel of Jesus intersect with the story of Abraham according to these verses? How does the death and resurrection of Jesus affect YOUR faith today?

  6. How is your faith being grown or tested in this season of life? Share with one another and pray for each other.

    Consider how you will accomplish the 3-fold commitment this Fall:
    -        COMMUNION: a daily habit of communing with God with scripture & prayer

    -        COMMUNITY: Sunday worship & one smaller group (Community Group, Sunday School, etc)

    -        COMMISSION: Consider where God might be sending you, and with whom might you share the promise of grace?