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Luke 1:8-23 - Gabriel & Zechariah

  1. People tend to orient themselves to time in different ways. Would you say that you are more oriented to the past, present or future? Why do you think so?

  2. Read Luke 1:8-12. In the sermon this morning, Robb identified incense, priests, and temple as three important details in Luke’s story. The hour of incense was a daily ritual in which a priest would offer prayers and incense on behalf of the people in the place where the glory of God once dwelt. What is the significance of Gabriel’s appearing at this particular time and place?

  3. Luke’s account parallels several details from the stories of Abraham & Sarah (Genesis 15ff) and Manoah father of Samson (Judges 13ff). Why do you think Luke frames this story with so many tight parallels to these well-known ancient stories?

  4. Read Luke 1:13-16. What emotions do you think Zechariah and Elizabeth felt as they processed these words in the days after the visitation? 2 Peter 1:4 says that we also live in light of extraordinary promises. In what ways do you identify with Zechariah & Elizabeth’s challenge of receiving God’s promises?

  5. In the sermon today, Robb said that TODAY, God is present, God hears our prayers, and God requires faith of us. How did these realities play out in Zechariah & Elizabeth’s lives in Luke 1? How do they play out in our lives today? What actions can we take in light of these realities?