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Genesis 22 - Surrender

  1. Does the word surrender carry positive or negative connotations for you? What scenario comes to mind when you hear the word?

  2. Read Genesis 22:1-2. In the sermon today, we learned that a ‘test’ in the Bible serves to reveal and refine the heart of faith. How would you explain the test in Gen 22 to a child? What is God testing Abraham for (see vv. 1, 12, 15, 18)?

  3. Think back on the life of Abraham up to this moment (Genesis 12-21). What experiences from his past would have informed his faith in the present? How do former times of testing prepare and build our faith for the future?

  4. Read Genesis 22:3-10. “Faith Surrenders.” What does surrender look like for Abraham in this story? What does it look like in your life?

  5. Read Genesis 22:11-14. Why did Abraham name the place “The Lord Provides”? What is the significance of this place in light of Jesus? How has God provided for us in Christ?