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  1. This morning we hosted Pastor Dean Woodward, pastor at Eastside Church and son of VBCC’s founding pastor, Dick Woodward. Dean preached on the theme of God’s grace in the Scriptures. When we talk about God’s grace, what story or experiences first come to mind? What is your story of God’s amazing grace to you?

  2. Read Ephesians 1:1-2 & 6:23-24. Dean gave the definition that “Grace is a special manifestation of the kindness of God” and compared the power and hold of sin and grace. Why does it matter that grace is stronger than sin (cf. Rom. 5:20-21)?

  3. Dean said, “The power of a good habit is far greater than the power of a bad habit.” Is this true? Do you have any examples of good or bad habits driving your decision making?

  4. Read 2 Timothy 2:1. How can you know if you are being strengthened in grace? What are the real-world changes we can expect to see (cf. 1 Cor 15:10)?

  5. Dean said, “God is so gracious that it is like the soil we can use to plant seeds.” What prayers, dreams, or hopes are you faithfully planting in this soil of God’s grace?

  6. Take some time as a group in closing to share the prayers that are heaviest on your heart in this season (e.g., family, finances, freedom, etc.). After sharing, take some time praying for one another, that God would be abundantly gracious to us through Christ.