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Genesis 18-20

  1. Does your family have taboo subjects or stories (‘skeletons’ in the family closet)? Is everything out in the open or are certain things not to be discussed? Why do you think it is that way, and how do you wish it were different? Why do you think the Bible includes dark stories like the ones in Genesis 19?

  2. Read Genesis 19:1-22. How would you describe Lot’s attentions to his two visitors (vv 1-3, 6-8) compared to the attentions of the Sodomites (vv 4-5, 9)? What does this tell you about the character of each?

  3. Read Genesis 19:23-38. In this chapter, the swift judgment of God against Sodom is set in contrast with the slowly unfolding consequences of Lot and his daughters (Moabites and Ammonites). Of these two kinds of consequences, which feels further away from your lived reality? Why?

  4. Where do you see the mercy of God in this chapter? Why is God merciful to Lot and his family (v16, 29)?

  5. Read 2 Peter 2:6-10 and Jude 7. What warnings and encouragements must we take from the account of Lot and his escape from Sodom and Gomorrah?

  6. In the sermon, Robb spoke about repentance and intercession as applications in light of sin’s consequences and God’s mercy. Is there a concrete step you need to take (on one or both of these fronts) in light of the text? Share with the group and pray for one another.